Today is Friday, May 17th, 2024
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Thank you Blood Donors

Thanks for giving the gift to so many! See some of the comments below made from recipients of the generous donations that help to save lives. We appreciate you so much!

…I can’t thank you enough. Your donation of platelets
is literally keeping me alive. I have been diagnosed with
a bone marrow disorder. I will be starting treatment
next week with the hope that my bone marrow can start
working again. In the meantime, I need periodic platelet
and blood transfusions to keep me going. I have myself
given blood scores of times in the past and never
dreamed I would one day need transfusions. Thank you,
thank you, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.

…Hello to our generous and giving donor. We are so
thankful for you. Your blood went to our son. He is a
twin, and they were born prematurely at almost 33
weeks. They are now just shy of 7 weeks old. Our son
received your blood. He was born with bilateral
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernias and has been on
ECMO since birth. He’s required 2 major and 1 minor
surgeries. He requires frequent transfusions daily due
to the nature of the ECMO machine. Our sweet boy
wold not be here if it wasn’t for people like you. We are
so truly thankful for your contribution and are sending
a big warm hug to you!

…Dear Kind Donor, your donation was used to help my
son. His platelets were very low and your donation gave
us more time to spend with him. It was discovered that
his condition was much more serious and we did lose
him., but those last days that we had with him in the
hospital and hospice were possible because of donations
like yours. All his family and friends thank you greatly
for your selfless gift.

…Wanted to express my gratitude for your whole blood
donation that literally saved my life. I went in the
hospital for a hip replacement and had internal bleeding
and ended up needing 3 pints of blood to feel better. I
know our blood is vital to our life but when your
hemoglobin drops below 7.5 ,you can’t think or move and
feel so bad that you think you are going to die. You were
my miracle, and I wanted to THANK YOU for giving of
yourself literally to someone you don’t even know
making such an impact on my life. You truly made a
difference in my life, and you should know that you are
making a difference beyond one’s lifetime.